It is so hard to wrap my mind around how things change as you get older. Some things just happen more slowly. Weight loss seems to move at a snails pace and I am hoping I just keep moving in the right direction.

I’m very curious to see what things will still work for me this time and what things won’t. This week has been Brussels sprouts week. I love them. I just love them. Sautéed in butter salt and pepper and it’s like candy to me. This week I have focused on protein fat and veggies. Im not as consistent as I want to be yet but I’m just trying to get back in the groove and eat well.

I am way past the point of working for a bikini body. I just want to feel good in my skin. I want to feel healthy and strong.

Dinner tonight was steak, Brussels sprouts and coffee with cream for dessert!

Here’s to tomorrow!
