So of course it is not as fast as it has been in the past but as of today, I’m down 16 lbs and 5 inches in my waist! I’m

Happy with that. I’m eating only allowed foods. Not measuring or counting. I’ve done this long enough to know what I need to do for me to be on track. I eat no processed foods. No bars. No keto snacks nothing like that. I make my own treats and most of them are in recipe pages here. I’m completely satisfied.

My plan is to go back to gym this week and start back slow. I’m not going to try and be 20 again but I feel it’s super important to hold onto what I have at this age. And build on that. My goal is strength training to increase some muscle mass and feel stronger.

I think one of the most important things to a successful weight loss plan is to make sure you know your goals and a good plan to achieve them. Don’t let anyone else set them for you. You do it. You take control and choose for you. Know what you are eating and it’s affect on your body.

Please please don’t be taken in by the new Keto craze where people are drinking ketones. It’s ridiculously expensive and you don’t need it. You can achieve the same thing eating correctly.

My favorite book to recommend for Atkins is his very first Diet Revolution book.

Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution

Not the one with net carbs. The one that started Atkins. You may choose to follow net carbs. That’s your choice and it’s a good one, but there is nothing like that first book to see what Atkins actually is and how it really works. It explains the science and process. The graduate to the other books. The New Diet Revolution. Atkins for Life, there is one written by Collette Heimowitz the head nutritionist for Atkins that is a day by day, week by week plan.

There is New Atkins for a New You. That’s the book I am in.

You can do this. It is not hard. It is an amazing way to eat and feel satisfied while losing weight.

Please always know you can reach out for help and guidance.

You got this!